Better late than never to show you a few photos from the C. Wonder event at their store a few weeks ago. Their store never ceases to amaze me with all their color, prints and bright lights. It's like every home decor photo you've ever seen on Pinterest, but better - in real life. It was great to hang with some friends and just relax and shop after work. I also got a pretty rad monogrammed bag that'll probably show itself on my Instagram sooner rather than later. #itjustgotpersonal
Thrilled to announce that the new C. Wonder website is chock full of amazing things including online monogramming (try to breathe, Kristen). C. Wonder literally has everything from home decor to jewelry to tech accessories - if they have a pineapple shaped cutting board then chances are, they've got pretty much anything you could ever dream about.
Great images! I have been crushing on C.Wonder for a while now. They always have the cutest stuff!
ReplyDeletemonogram-ing anything is the perfect way to make sure you have one of a kind item
ReplyDeletethose pretty alphabets are darling!
The Sweetest
So many cute little bits and pieces. Looks like the cutest store.
ReplyDeleteWardrobe Quarry
So nice meeting you at the event! Love these snaps